Tracy Chen
BCHN Representative
Tracy is BCHN's public representative. Her main role is to establish and maintain communication channels between the BCHN team and BCH users, stakeholders and the larger ecosystem such as exchanges, mining pools and wallets. Tracy's work ensures that BCHN's decisions are communicated and vetted well with stakeholders. She also runs BCHN's community and SNS in China to update the latest project progress and financial reports. She has worked as a traditional media professional and entered the cryptocurrency industry in 2018. She has worked in the marketing teams of Bitmain and Matrixport in the past few years and gained extensive and professional experience in PR.
Tracy是BCHN的代表,她的角色主要是代表BCHN团队和BCH用户、及各生态方(如交易所,矿池,钱包等)建立联系渠道并保持沟通,以保证BCHN各项决策得到充分许可与验证。她同时运营着BCHN在中国的社群和社交媒体以更新项目最新进展及财务报告。 她曾经是一名传统媒体人,从2018年开始进入到加密行业,这几年她一直在比特大陆和Matrixport的市场团队工作,有着丰富而专业的PR经历。